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SEPT 15 – PRAS General Meeting – Speaker Dr. Jennifer Zoebelein on “Calusa Indians


On September 15, at 7 PM PRAS wll hold its first in-person meeting at the First Alliance Church at 20444 Midway Blvd. Port Charlotte, 33952. We will have our program brochures to distribute of field trips and programs for the season, announcements, and a wonderful presentation, “The Calusa Indians of S.W. Florida.” Doors open at 6:15.

Dr. Jennifer Zoebelein is the historian for Charlotte County. She received her PhD from Kansas State University in 2018, where she examined how American war memorials and soldier poetry contributed to the memory and commemoration of World War I in the United States. Prior to her graduate work, Jennifer worked for the National Park Service at Fort Sumter National Monument and the New-York Historical Society. Her talk, “Fierce People: The Calusa Kingdom of Southwest Florida,” will examine how the Calusa rose to become the dominant indigenous group in southwest Florida and their continued influence and power in the immediate years after Spanish arrival and colonization. Mark this date on your calendar and join us!

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