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PRAS enjoys returning to Cecil Webb WMA again and again. For our April Walkabout we checked out the Lake Road, followed by Seaboard Grade. First we saw a flock of about 25 Laughing Gulls circling overhead as we waited for folks to gather in the parking lot. That was a surprise as they were so far inland. Then on the road along the lake we were happy to find a family of Sandhill Cranes….with one little one scrambling between legs, and a Northern Flicker low in the grass. We headed to Seaboard but stopped along Tucker’s Grade where we saw Dave.L birding, and he had just seen a Red-headed Woodpecker. While we were searching for it, a Swallow-tailed Kite flew close overhead, always a favorite of the group and such a nice start to our adventure. When we got to Seaboard Grade, we walked both north and south, checking off about 40 species in all. A Bald Eagle flew over the marsh, and a Black-crowned Night Heron flew back and forth across the road. We saw several Great Crested Flycatchers and the Downy and Red-bellied rounded out our woodpecker list. Another surprise was a Merlin. To view the list of birds we saw go to:

Next time join us, as it is so rewarding to go birding with friends in such a special habitat.

Photos by PRAS President, Bren Curtis.

Group at Seaboard Grade

Photo of a Sandhill Crane chick by Barbara Segal

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