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President’s Letter – October 2021

Hello Charlotte County visitors and residents! Our local Audubon chapter is a cordial way to get to know kindred, avian spirited associates. We help each other enhance bird identification skills, Florida wildlife habitat and environmental knowledge. Membership can be a boundless path to pursue conservation as a boots on the ground volunteer or policy advocate.

The Peace River Audubon Society Board has decided to continue using virtual monthly board meetings with zoom until January which can help eliminate travel time and encourage more snowbirds to participate from wherever they may be at the time. Field Trips and Walkabouts have resumed following Covid outdoor recreational social distancing recommendations. Regular member monthly meetings with educational speakers are scheduled through zoom until January. Hopefully, pandemic conditions will allow safer in-person indoor gatherings by then. We are looking forward to getting back to normal for the 2022 year! We have secured the First Alliance Church as a general meeting place for our monthly meetings.

We invite anyone visiting our website to join our exciting field trips and interesting virtual speaker meetings. There are a lot of opportunities to get involved by joining one of our various chapter committees or our annual Christmas Bird Count. Please consider becoming a regular member or consider signing up as a potential board member. You can attend a board meeting as a visitor to sit in on a meeting and see what it’s like and who we are. 2021-22 should be fun and exciting for Peace River Audubon Society!

Looking forward to seeing you in person,

Bren Curtis, Conservation Chair Co-President, Peace River Audubon Society

Mike Krzyzkowski MD Co-President, Peace River Audubon Society

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