Join us for a Peace River Audubon Walkabout will be on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 8 AM. We will be walking Seaboard Grade, a trail that meanders along a canal, past tall pines, hardwoods, and marshes. A variety of birds can be seen. Last April we saw the Purple Gallinule, Black-crowned Night Herons, Great-crested Flycatcher, Flickers, White Pelicans, Glossy Ibis, a total of 39 species!
This will be an in and out walk of about 2 miles. We will meet at Cecil Webb Wildlife Management Area at 29200 Tuckers Grade, Punta Gorda, FL 33955. Drive past the pay station and meet the group at the corner across from the hunting check-in building. From there we will carpool to Seaboard Grade, about a 10 minute drive. You are welcome to follow us if you prefer to drive your own car or just meet us at Seaboard.
Our birding guide will be PRAS member, Barbara Segal. You can contact Barbara at 651-336-6959 if you have any questions or concerns. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, bring water, wear sunscreen, and bring your binoculars! There are bathrooms near our meeting area, just look for the cement building on the right. All of our walks are free and open to the public. Hope to see you there!