What an inspiring program we had on March 16. Brad talked about the Florida Panther and then discussed all the ways we can help the panthers and all the other wildlife here in Florida. Some of the topics mentioned were to advocate for the Wildlife Corridor, to plant native plants, work on climate change, wildlife underpasses, and lots more. We donated our 50/50 raffle this month to the Ron Mills Camp Scholarship Fund. An important event coming up next is the PRAS Birdathon. Read all about It on our website and if you can’t participate please consider donating to one of our projects. This is an important fundraiser as we were not able to do a banquet this year. As always, we all enjoyed networking with our members, friends, and other environmental groups. Thanks to all who brought refreshments. Our next meeting will be on April 20, Reinier Munguia is back with a program about birds, “Love is in the Air”. Hope to see you then.
Speaker Brad Cornell and President Bren Curtis