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Punta Gorda Nature Park & Ponce de Leon Park Walkabout Report

On Tuesday Feb. 5, 2019 there were 22 people with Starr at the Punta Gorda Nature park on a beautiful afternoon. We spent an hour hiking the mile loop trail and although we didn’t see a lot of birds we did identify a total of 13 species. We enjoyed watching a pair of nesting osprey share a fish.

Species seen:  palm warbler, yellow rumped warbler, mourning dove, common grackle, downy woodpecker, red bellied woodpecker, cat bird, cardinal, red shouldered hawk, osprey, eurasian collared dove, bluegray gnatcatcher, starling.

We then proceeded to Ponce de Leon park where we walked the whole park until the sun began to set. The highlight was the time and effort to identify a tricolor heron that was barely visible in the mangroves. Species seen: yellow-rumped warbler, white ibis, great blue heron, little blue heron, brown pelican, white pelican, spotted sandpiper, royal tern, tricolored heron, green heron, snowy egret, spotted sandpiper, great egret, blue-gray gnatcatcher.

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