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Announcement from the PRAS Board

To all members of the Peace River Audubon Society, it is with regret that the board has decided not to hold in-person general monthly meetings because of the current state of the COVID pandemic. We felt the risk was too high due to the status of the unvaccinated population in SW Florida and the high transmission rate of the delta virus strain. Many of our members are still at some risk despite being vaccinated due to their age and any associated comorbitities (any other risk factors). This policy will commence with the September meeting until the January meeting, when we will re-evaluate the overall risk of resuming in-person meetings.

Our speaker schedule will continue as before, but we will resume ZOOM presentation to lessen any individual risk. Please refer to our Facebook page or website ( for any updates to this policy. A yearly schedule for meetings, field trips, and walkabouts will be posted there. Email notifications will be sent out with the necessary ZOOM invites.

With respect to our monthly field trips and walkabouts, they will continue to be held as scheduled with the 2020 – 2021 Audubon recommendations. All persons participating will be required to wear masks and observe social distancing as before.

The board deeply regrets this change to our general meeting schedule. We were all looking forward to seeing old friends and renewing acquaintances.

Respectfully submitted,

Brenda Curtis Mike Krzyzkowski Co-Presidents, Peace River Audubon Society

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