My name is Tyson Dallas, I am the SW region shorebird biologist for FWC. This email is a few months early, but I want to reach out to see if any members of the Peace River Audubon are interested in getting more involved with shorebird conservation and stewardship in Charlotte County? I imagine some of you may have assisted Morgan Parks in the past couple of years or are currently involved via other groups. There will be numerous opportunities in the area for members to assist with running survey routes, searching for and monitoring nests, and helping to educate the public. The main reason I wanted to reach out so far in advance is because I would like to provide a stewardship training for you all if there are interested members and I imagine that will require some time to plan. I am more than happy to facilitate a virtual training if that is feasible for most members, or we can plan for an in-person training in January or February. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have or to just chat about this. I am excited to hopefully have PRAS involved with shorebird conservation and I look forward to hearing from you. Contact me at: if you are interested.
Once we have a list of members, we can coordinate a date for training. The first nesting birds tend to start in February down here, so we do have time to plan for the training. Even for those members that do not wish to participate, spread the word to keep an eye out for bird activity on rooftops in Charlotte County. If you are not familiar, when I say rooftops we are talking buildings with flat rooftops. Over half of Least Terns in the state nest on rooftops. Keep an eye out for Least Terns, Black Skimmers, and American Oystercatchers flying to and from roofs, circling over roofs, perched on building parapets, etc.
Kindly, Tyson Dallas Southwest Region Shorebird Biologist lV Florida Fish &Wildlife Conservation Commission Fort Myers, FL 33901 Mobile: 813-417-4235