Peace River Audubon Society operates and maintains Audubon-Pennington Nature Park, an eight-acre passive nature park in Port Charlotte.
Description: 7.9 acre park that Charlotte County leases to the Peace River Audubon Society. Maintenance is provided by PRAS volunteers and the County.
Vegetation Communities: Cyprus swamp, oak hammock, and pine flatwoods.
Location: Port Charlotte area on Alton Road, between Midway Blvd. and Peachland Blvd., approximately 1.5 miles West of Kings Highway. Small brown signs with white lettering direct you from Midway or Peachland.
Amenities: Parking lot, trails, and a few scattered benches.
Animal Species: You may not be able to see all these species
Documented birds: The bird list contains all species seen since March 15, 1989, and was compiled by Dave Smith. Anhinga Redwing Blackbird Northern Bobwhite Cardinal Gray Catbird Double-crested Cormorant American Crow Fish Crow Common Ground Dove Mourning Dove Mottled Duck Bald Eagle Great Egret Snowy Egret Northern Flicker Great-crested Flycatcher Blue gray Gnatcatcher Boat-tailed Grackle Common Grackle Pied-billed Grebe Laughing Gull Ring-billed Gull Northern Harrier Cooper’s Hawk Red shoulder Hawk Sharp-shinned Hawk Great Blue Heron Green-backed Heron Little Blue Heron Louisiana Tricolor Heron Ruby-throated Hummingbird Blue Jay Whites Ibis American Kestrel Killdeer Belted Kingfisher Ruby-crowned Kinglet Swallow-tailed Kite Limpkin Purple Martin Northern Mockingbird Common Moorhen White-breasted Nuthatch Osprey Ovenbird Barred Owl Great-horned Owl Screech Owl Northern Parula Brown Pelican Eastern Phoebe American Redstart Robin Ruddy Quail Dove Wilson’s Snipe Wood Stork Rough-winged Swallow Tree Swallow Chimney Swift Tufted Titmouse Brown Thrasher Hermit Thrush Wood Thrush Eastern Towhee Veery Blue-headed Vireo White-eyed Vireo Black Vulture Turkey Vulture Black & White Warbler Blackpoll Warbler Palm Warbler Pine Warbler Prairie Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow-throated Warbler Cedar Waxwing Downey Woodpecker Pileated Woodpecker Red-bellied Woodpecker Carolina Wren House Wren Common Yellowthroat
Documented Mammals: Bobcat Eastern Woodrat Eastern Gray Squirrel Armadillo Opossum RaccoonEastern MoleEastern Cottontail Rabbit
Documented Herps: Black Racer Turtles Galore Gopher Tortoise