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Field Trip Report 11/23/2019 Caloosahatchee/Powell Creek Preserves

Field Trip Report by Barney Bontecou  11-23-2019

We had a wonderful but quiet walk Saturday 11/23 at Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve East. The weather was perfect, a cool sunny day.  Afterwards we had a quick snack and went over the birds we had seen.  We had about 15 people and saw 25 species.  I saw several along the roadway on the way in that maybe everyone didn’t see, like the Red-headed Woodpecker.  Then we headed to Powell Creek Preserve and saw 25 species there too.  Only seven hardy people continued to Powell, so there were less eyes to spot birds.  I want to thank Shannon and Phyllis so much for leading the walk for me at Powell Creek because I had to leave for work.

The lists from both preserves are below.  There were a lot of birds I was surprised we didn’t see, such as the Pileated Woodpecker, Vireos, Crows, Kestrel, and House Wren.  There was not a big variety of Warblers.  Some pretty common birds were missing today.   A big thank you to everybody who came!

Caloosahatchee Creeks Preserve East:

Red-headed Woodpecker Red-belly Woodpecker Northern Flicker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Blue Jay Northern Cardinal Mockingbird Morning Dove Ground Dove Phoebe Robin Cat Bird Tree Swallow Black Vulture Turkey Vulture Common Grackle Red-shoulder Hawk Carolina Wren Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Palm Warbler Pine Warbler Common Yellow Throat Warbler Common Grackle Great Blue Heron Great Egret

Powell Creek Preserve:

Belted Kingfisher Woodstork Black Vulture Green Heron Turkey Vulture Tri-colored Heron Great Egret Mockingbird Glossy Ibis Little Blue Heron Great Blue Heron Anhinga Pied-billed Grebe Mallard Mottled Duck Boat tailed Grackle Red-shouldered Hawk Eastern Phoebe Yellow-rumped Warbler Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Blue Jay Red-bellied Woodpecker Black and White Warbler Common Gallinule Loggerhead Shrike

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