Trip Report for the October 20, 2018, Field Trip to Solomon’s Castle
On Saturday morning , October 20, nine birders met at Solomon’s Castle to explore the trails around the castle. Our birding adventure actually began on the trip there, traveling on back country roads though pastures and orange groves observing Caracara, Meadowlarks, Shrikes, and a variety of Raptors. On the castle grounds we first wandered through giant oaks seeing female Redstarts, Black and White Warblers and hearing Catbirds, White-eyed Vireos, and Red-bellied Woodpeckers. The woods opened up to the habitat along Horse Creek where we saw a variety of water birds including a Great Blue Heron, a Little Blue Heron, a Green Heron, a Limpkin, an Immature White Ibis, and a Great Egret. A Turkey Vulture soared overhead. A boardwalk over a Pop ash swamp lead back to the castle. All together we saw a total of 24 species of birds on our trip to Solomon’s Castle. After birding we enjoyed their delicious home cooking, eating outdoors under the giant oaks. We then toured the castle marveling at Howard Solomon’s creative genius in using discarded materials to create works of art and a castle for a home. Our tour guide described him as the Rembrandt of Recycling, Reusing, and Repurposing. We hope that if you missed this trip you can join PRAS on one of our future trips. Shannon McGinnis