APRIL’S VIRTUAL PROGRAM Hi everyone, our April program will be hosted by PRAS, beginning at 7 PM on 4/20/21. Our speaker will be Reinier Munguia discussing ‘Raptors – Predators of the Sky’. Reinier is a full time naturist and nature photographer based in Lakeland, Florida. He has served as President of the Lake Region Audubon Society and Eagle Watch Co-ordinator. He has spoken to our group several times before, and is an engaging speaker. Any follow-up questions may be entered in the chat box below. Enjoy – the ZOOM link is listed below. Mike Krzyzkowski Acting President, Peace River Audubon Society
Topic: PRAS-Raptors-Predators of the Skies Time: Apr 20, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 849 4177 0589 Passcode: 893897
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