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PRAS receives $2500 grant from FPL for the Audubon Plants For Birds program

We are pleased to announce that Peace River Audubon Society has been awarded a $2500 grant from FPL and Florida Audubon as part of the Audubon Plants For Birds program. We will work with the Charlotte Harbor Environmental Center (CHEC) to create a native plant nursery located at Alligator Creek. The nursery will be open to the public to purchase plants. Plants will also be used in the new Butterfly House at CHEC to provide nectar for the butterflies and food for the caterpillars. The plant nursery will be open during the normal hours of CHEC. Plants will include a variety of native trees, bushes, vines, flowering plants and ground covers. The goal is educate the public about the benefits of landscaping with native plants in order to create a micro habitat for pollinators and birds. Plans are for the nursery to be open by the end of the year. Stay tuned for updates.

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