Please join the Peace River Audubon Society for a field trip to Prairie Shell Creek Preserve on Saturday, January 21. We will be meeting at 8 AM at 8031 Duncan Road, Punta Gorda. Our guide will be Jayne Johnson, who is a senior wildlife biologist at FWC and the organizer of the Christmas Bird Count for Audubon of Southwest Florida. This property is owned by SWFWMD and includes 609 acres of mesic flatwoods and tidal marsh which is a unique natural habitat for the Florida’s Scrub Jay, adjacent to Shell Creek, the Peace River, and Hunter Creek. There are 5 miles of trails but our walk will be about 2 miles, through mostly scrub habitat, including a small lake. Watch for the parking area… which is on the left side of Hwy 17 as you head toward Arcadia. Do not go as far as Prairie Creek Rd which leads to Prairie Creek Preserve… the names can be confusing and we will be be at Prairie Shell Preserve not Prairie Creek Preserve. There are no restrooms at this preserve. Please join us! Call Phyllis at 941-286-7636 if you have questions.
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