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Trip Report for April 3 Walkabout to Kiwanis Park

A nice group of birders showed up at Kiwanis Park on Tuesday 3 April 2018 for the Walkabout.

We found the mother Barred Owl but were disappointed we couldn’t locate her 3 babies. Shannon found an Eastern Screech Owl for us, stuck back in the palms near the nesting hole. The Pileated Woodpecker waited by her nesting hole for all of us to enjoy some photo ops.

The group had a beautiful Northern Parula Warbler in full view, but we couldn’t find the singing Ovenbird. There was a pair of Cooper’s Hawks that were checking out their nest near the trail.

The Great Crested Flycatcher and the Cardinals were singing with a pair of Catbirds calling.

It was a good day with a nice assortment of birds at the Kiwanis Park.

Dave Lancaster

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