23 January 2016 Corkscrew Swamp Trip review
We were greeted with 6 males and 2 female Painted Buntings at the Corkscrew Swamp Visitor Center feeders, also a couple immature Indigo Buntings were feeding with them. Our group of 18 nature lovers who braved the cool and windy weather continued along the 1.5 mile boardwalk to where we encountered a Red-shoulder Hawk that was having breakfast of a wren he had just caught. Along the way we found and had a nice look at a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Later, we found a wintering flock of passerines , Black & White, Yellow Rumped and Palm Warblers with Blue-headed and White-eyed Vireos and some Blue-gray Gnatcatchers.
We checked with the knowledgeable volunteers for orchids and they were glad to point out the Dusky-flowered Star Orchids and they had a scope on the Clam-shelled Orchid for our viewing delight.
We ended the morning with a nice picnic lunch, before heading home.
Dave Lancaster-Corkscrew Swamp trip leader